This is my blog. I write from time to time but there's not much here... you're better off Facebook stalking me.
Big City vs Small town
12 Predictions for 2012
My 12 Predictions for 2012 (in no particular order of importance or relevance)
1. Apple begins development of the iCar.
2. Facebook surpasses 1 billion users.
3. I will buy a new watch.
4. The US Mens basketball team will not win the gold medal at the Olympics.
5. Colin Powell will announce he is running for US President.
6. Someone from Kansas will win American Idol.
7. Tiger Woods wins the Masters.
8. Richard Branson will fly to the moon.
9. LSU will win the national championship in football and baseball.
10. HUGE breakthrough in contact lens technology. (think terminator movies)
11. US unemployment falls below 8%.
12. The world will not end on December 21, 2012. (sure hope I’m right about this one)
The Quiet Cube

My 3 year old daughter Emma needed to start her day in the quiet cube. The quiet cube is 3 foot x 3 foot x 3 foot wooden box lined with pillows in her daycare classroom. It is, for lack of a better a term, a safe zone. It allows the children to take a few minutes for themselves, to just simply have some quiet time. It is not for sleeping, and it is only large enough for one child so there is no tomfoolery. Emma had a big weekend - soccer, two birthday parties and lots of Christmas festivities- she had a case of the Mondays. She needed a few minutes to herself before tackling the week.