My 3 year old daughter Emma needed to start her day in the quiet cube. The quiet cube is 3 foot x 3 foot x 3 foot wooden box lined with pillows in her daycare classroom. It is, for lack of a better a term, a safe zone. It allows the children to take a few minutes for themselves, to just simply have some quiet time. It is not for sleeping, and it is only large enough for one child so there is no tomfoolery. Emma had a big weekend - soccer, two birthday parties and lots of Christmas festivities- she had a case of the Mondays. She needed a few minutes to herself before tackling the week.
What I realized earlier this year is I needed a quiet cube too. Actually, I have two. We have one of the coolest offices in the Triangle at Go Realty but even that isn't enough to keep me energized some days. My first cube is a place called Cafe Helios. It is a local coffee shop in Downtown Raleigh that serves some of the best brew in town. This is where I go when I need people around but also need to be productive.
My second cube is the NC Museum of Art. This is when I need total quiet. It is one of the most serene settings in the area- think of a huge outdoor spa without the robes. It is close enough to stop for 15-20 minutes and just decompress. The phone stays in the car, computer stays closed and eyes remain open.
Don't put up with a case of the Mondays. Or Wednesday afternoons. Get a quiet cube.